About Me

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Southwest Missouri, United States
I am a Christian homeschool mom. I have homeschooled for 18 years. I have been happily married to the same great guy for 24 years. I have four wonderful kids ranging in age from 15 to 23. I live in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks.

Monday, December 29, 2008

A Dazzling Climb

Spring faded into summer, and then fall, and now I find myself in the middle of winter. It has been a long time since I have written. I had planned to write daily. Almost without realizing it my life took over, I found the road a little steeper, and the elements a bit more of a nuisance. I found that I had allowed the strenuous climb to distract me from the priorities I had set. I wanted an outlet to crystallize my thoughts, to find the insights that are so often hidden below the surface. I wanted to open up to my friends and maybe offer a little encouragement and advice along the way. I would still like to do that. We can enjoy the scenery together, find the roads less traveled, and share some valid insights. I have found that even if the road becomes more challenging, the scenery can still be extraordinarily beautiful. The higher the altitude, the farther you can see. And if you choose to seek God's help and direction; He has a map. So, let's try this again, shall we?

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